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نحن مستعدون لمشروعك التالي

مكتبنا الرئيسي: شارع عرار مبنى رقم 270 عمان الاردن

رقم الهاتف : 152 5623 6 962+

الفاكس : 151 5623 962+

البريد الالكتروني: info@iiacss.org

للاتصال بنا

ارسل رسالة لنا وسنأخذ الوقت الكافي للتعرف عليك حتى نتمكن من مساعدتك في العثور على مغامرتك المذهلة.


    Marketing & Social Studies

    Whether you're looking for conducting a marketing or social/political study, IIACSS is able to support you in your next project endeavour using the highest quality standards for qualitative and quantitative studies.


    IIACSS is happy to assist you in any other consulting services such as Brand image analysis, customer satisfaction, Segmentation analysis and Brand Performance Studies. More info

    Health Studies

    Our team of medical research experts at IHR offers a wide range of services including medical studies, monthly Pharmaceutical retail auditing reports and marketing analysis.

    Retail Audit

    First company to bring Retail Market Auditing to Iraq, IMR continues to help hundreds of customers reach their optimum potentials using monthly reports according to the latest census of retails across Iraq.

    Our Expert Team

    Dr. Munqith M. Dagher


    Dr. Munqith M. Dagher


    Revekka Halasa

    CEO/ IMR

    Revekka Halasa

    CEO/ IMR

    Dr. Sahib Saleh

    Fieldwork Director

    Dr. Sahib Saleh

    Fieldwork Director

    Arwa Dagher

    Data Processing Manager

    Arwa Dagher

    Data Processing Manager

    Haya Awwad

    Project Manager

    Haya Awwad

    Project Manager

    Omar Ethawi

    Qualitative Project Manager

    Omar Ethawi

    Qualitative Project Manager

    Ahmed Jabir

    Project Manager

    Ahmed Jabir

    Project Manager

    Majd Haimour

    Majd Haimour